Sunday, August 8, 2010


Harriet the Spy here, sorry I didn't write last night. I'll start with yesterday. After my usual morning interrogation, I was off to Petco to volunteer for the Humane Society. About an hour before I leave there I get a message from Bill saying Grandpa called asking when he was coming down and that Carol wasn't OK, but wouldn't say why. When I get home I ask them separately if they're OK. Carol says she is fine except she can't find her keys. She says this in a very matter-of-fact tone. I ask Grandpa how everything is and he gives me his ol' "I've lived here for 15 years and everything has always been great so don't worry about us." He doesn't ever say this in a tone you would associate with a "T.V. Grandpa," like, "for your sake granddaughter, don't worry. I appreciate your concern, but you must go live your life." No, the tone is more like, "I'm pretty sure you are a spy and I don't need you or anyone so will you mind your own business and get out of my face." I back off, but for some god-awful reason I just have to make sure. "I was just asking because you called Bill about an hour ago saying that something is wrong." "Bill said something was wrong?" "No, you told him something was wrong." "When" "About an hour ago." "Well, I can't think of anything wrong. You told Bill something was wrong?" "No, you told him something was wrong." "No, we've been living here for fifteen years...." "OK, so nothing is wrong, fine." [pause] "So, Bill is coming down?"
Me and Carol go to Walmart to get their medicine, which is difficult because 1. They only filled Carol's prescription, 2. Despite being able to use my mother's credit card for Carol's medicine, they wont for Grandpa's 3. Carol almost starts crying b/c one of Grandpa's medicine is over $100 and 4. I have no idea what Grandpa's 5th pill is (found out it is baby Aspirin.)
We get home and when I come out later to make dinner, Grandpa is sitting in the kitchen in his boxers. "IT"S FINE," he says to my adverse reaction. I march back into my room, grab my purse and go out to buy tennis shoes.
This morning I made Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches for everyone which is a BIG HIT. I'm also psyched because when Grandpa inevitably asks me what my plan for today is I have an answer. When he asks if I'm going to get a job I say, I've been offered one and I start tomorrow. When he asks if I'm going to move to Vero Beach I say, "and leave you? No, I couldn't possibly." He smiles, shakes his head and goes to his room to watch T.V. I'm rushing out the door when Carol asks me to help her with her patch and medicine. I notice despite insisting she took her medicine yesterday, she didn't. She explains that it's the wrong Saturday that I'm looking at, but no, once again, there are roughly no more days of pills left and she most definitely did not take her medicine yesterday. We get her set up for today, but I remind her that she might be on edge today.
When I get back from volunteering, I'm still on a fluffy kitten infused high. We have burgers and snap peas and they have a surprisingly matter of fact conversation about her keys. Grandpa says he has his keys but couldn't find the ones to the "little Ford." Carol corrects him that hers is a Crystler and that it's not worth worrying about her keys-"They'll show up." "Alright." I sit watching them in awe. Grandpa announces that the TV has been down because of the storm all day. Despite not turning on my T.V. all day, I lie because I'm 99% sure this isn't true-"Mine has been working all day, do you mind if I take a look." Here's the problem that plagues Grandpa about 4 times a week. Somehow the input is changed from T.V. 4 and he gives up on it. I write a little post it on the T.V. saying this and go tell Grandpa. The mistake is approaching it like this, "Hey, Grandpa I got it figured out, you accidentally changed the T.V. Input, but it's just fine now!" Response? "I haven't TOUCHED the damn thing." "OK.... SOMEONE changed the input." "Alright, fine." I stand there looking at him. "What," he says. "Normally when you do a favor for someone they show gratitude, or at least don't snap at them about it." He looks at Carol confused and she tells him to say "Thank you." He does grudgingly.

To sum up--

Weekend sanity level of house: 8 (out of 10)

Erika's weekend activity away from house: Volunteering for the Humane Society and shopping.

Weekend lesson: Stay positive, and make breakfast sandwiches

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