Saturday, August 21, 2010


For those of you (my family) who read that comment that random girl wrote on my last blog, I don"t know. I'm trying to keep my family informed about what"s going on down here, but I guess people are angry and need an outlet by mocking people.
Grandpa just told me to pack my bags and be gone in the morning. Why? Because I tried to get him a bowl for the ice cream because he was eating out of the container that was half full. He said he bought it and he could do whatever he pleases. I told him that I bought the ice cream. He asked how much it was, and I said I didn't mind buying ice cream for the three of us, as long as I could have some also. He said it was his house, and I said that I was living here and can he please just use a bowl so that I could have some later. This is where he really started getting angry. This is aparently not my home and I need to mind my own business. I told him I was granddaughter and can he at least not yell at me. This just set him off. "I don't care," he says, "get out of my house." Please keep the imagery in mind of my 78 (79 tomorrow) year old grandfather yelling at me that he doesn't need me telling him what to do, while he's standing in the kitchen in his white boxers.
After two bites of ice cream, he puts the carton back in the freezer, puts the spoon in the sink, turns on the water and leaves without shutting it off. I go to my room so Carol doesn't see that I'm upset by him yelling at me. Two minutes later I hear him come back in the kitchen, tell Carol that he's hungry but doesn't know what he wants. He opens the freezer and I can hear Carol ask him to put it in a bowl so everyone else can have some. He says, "I bought it so I can eat however I want." Carol wisely doesn't push the subject. I should have known not to even say anything, because Carol has been avoiding him all night and last night, telling me that he's starting in on her with everything, and she doesn't really want to talk about it. He's going to the doctor on Monday.
Carol is doing really well with taking her medicine (actually), but the bottle of wine I bought on Tuesday is half gone, and I haven't had any. She hasn't been crying that I know of, we've all just been trying to tip-toe around him. Sometimes he comes and asks me where Carol is and neither of us know. For example, right now at 7pm at night she is walking around the yard pulling down dead tree branches. He gets concerned when she's not in the room watching TV with her.
There has been some good times in the last couple days, though. In the morning when he's around we are fine, but his grasp on what we've talked about isn't as good as at night. Last night he asked me what I had planned, and I said that me and him were gonna go do some shots of tequila, which he got a kick out of. Then I told him I was going to kick-boxing class and showed him some of my moves. He told me I would get knocked out if I went up against anyone, then smiled, shook his head and went into his room.


  1. Carol needs to stop cleaning up those dead branches. Didn't Tom just pay them $100 to do that already? I understand the Dr visit might result in some anti-anxiety meds. What will they be offering YOU? lol

  2. Yes, he's doing the trees in shifts. $100 for the ones in front. $75 for the sides ones. Ironically, the ones he has been complaining about in the backyard that you can see from the porch, are still neglected. I haven't talked to Cynthia yet about how the doctor went. I assumed she would have called me. I'll have to get ahold of her tomorrow.
