Friday, October 15, 2010


I had to go through the back porch door when I got home from work because the screen door in the front was locked. In the kitchen Grandpa had a phone book in his lap and asked why I was coming in so much later than usual. I reminded him that I was actually an hour earlier than usual, but maybe he was thinking about Cynthia. Why did he have the phone book in his lap? On Wednesday he decided that since his car wasn't working (Bill took a fuse or something out which I have) that he would have it towed to a shop. Not only does he not remember what shop it got towed to, but for the past few days he has been pretty sure Carol and/or I took his car somewhere behind his back, i.e. "NO ONE TELLS ME ANYTHING!" He's calmed down in the past few days, even telling my mom yesterday "Everything is fine here. My car's being repaired and it should be ready tomorrow," but the search continues. Perhaps it's better wherever it is and with whatever idiot towed a car for a man who clearly couldn't make that decision. I wonder how many places he had to call before someone said, "Yea, you can't have a normal conversation for 5 minutes, but yea, let's tow your car." So anyway, I ask Grandpa where Carol is and he says he doesn't know but she took the little car. By the looks of Grandpa, I'm guessing he was yelling at her about the car and she escaped (on Wednesday it got so bad me and Carol took a 2 hour dinner at Olive Garden). He said he had just eaten a sandwich so I gave him his medicine and took a cue from Carol and headed out to a yoga class.
When I got back Grandpa greeted me at the door in his boxers asking, "Are you finally home?" Then looked taken aback when he realized it was me. "I sure am, miss me?" I answered anyway. I headed towards the kitchen and he said, "if you find Carol will you tell her to come into the bedroom as soon as possible?" Uh? "I'm in the kitchen!" Carol sang from the kitchen. So Grandpa decided to come to the kitchen in his boxers to confront Carol with the important thing he needed to talk to her about, "Do you have a light?"
Grandpa shuffled off to his room and Carol said, "Well, yea, like I was saying, I had a good day." Uh, when did we start this conversation? This is the first thing she's said to me today. I play along as I look for dinner and nonchalantly ask her where she was when I got home. She said no where special, then said not too far from here. I'm pretty sure she couldn't remember. When I opened the fridge I noticed a bottle of wine that was 1/4 full and definitely wasn't there Wednesday night. I know because I had to tear apart the fridge on Wednesday trying to find all the water in there to brush my teeth, etc, as the water was shut off until Thursday afternoon. Maybe it would be a better situation if I didn't remember all of these things.

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