Sunday, November 7, 2010


Today I asked Carol if she wanted to go see Tom and she said that she was going to wait until she got stronger--same excuse. I told her I was going for a walk, and that if she changed her mind, we could still go when I got back. At the last minute before I walked out the door I decided not to bring my keys after-all and left them on the dresser by the door. When I got back about an hour later from my walk down to the pier I asked her again and she said "No, I don't think so honey."
At many intervals throughout the afternoon she came to me saying she lost her keys and kept showing my this Ford key she had. I told her that the Ford key didn't go to her car and must have been from something older. After several sessions of looking around for her key everywhere imaginable, I just told her that keys are impossible to find when you're anxiously looking for them, and that I had a pair and it was not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. The last time she came to me about it at 7pm I asked her where she needed to go that she needed her key so badly right now, and she replied that she thought we were going to dinner. We have not made plans like this at all, in fact, as I reminded her, we had actually talked extensively about the wonderful looking chili that Dona brought over for us to have for dinner. I told her I was going to a movie, but got her set up with some dinner. I walked out to my car only to find that I did not have a key on my key chain with which to drive my car! Someone had actually taken the time to take my key (yes, Ford) off of my key chain. I walked in and asked Carol if I might see the contents of her pocket and possibly her purse. We finally located her purse jammed between her bed and her nightstand and (thankfully) easily found my key. "Who would do this?" She asked, "I don't have any need for your key." "I know, but you have a habit of this kind of stuff." "No, I don't." "I showed her what was under her pillow--two packs of cigarettes and a pile an inch high of mail (kid you not). I told her it was OK, and we found the key quickly, so no problems. Then, I rushed out the door to my movie.


  1. At this rate, she won't be that far behind Tom to the "home".

  2. I had to read this one twice to fully understand. (note to self - why would Erika tell us she left HER keys at home at the last moment unless there was some later significance! haha).
    Oh my, Bill and I were just talking today about trying to get her out here for Thanksgiving, having her escorted to the plane in Fl and met at the plane in Denver. Bill wasn't sure whether she was past being able to do that. It wasn't until I read today's post that I have to say I think I agree with him. I guess I thought without Tom's harassing ever-presence, Carol would have some sort of "recovery" and come back aways. Perhaps a little more time will help, but right now things ain't lookin' too pretty...
    Erkia, thank you for your continued patience and efforts. And for continuing to post for us all...

  3. I don't think flying her out would be too bad, although I'm pretty sure Joel is planning on coming for Thanksgiving when I'm in MN. I'm also going home from Decemer 30th-January 9th for that trip I told you about to Colorado from the 1st to the 6th. At some point we have to decided what's going to happen then, because Cynthia coming an hour every day is prob not going to cut it.

  4. Also, saw that you took down. Hope you plan on sending me pictures of my cousin then... or bringing him out to see me when I'm in Colorado!
