Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Carol was up some of the night last night, but didn't manage to eat anything of substance in that time. When I left work I also pondered over why the fridge had been pulled away from the wall in the middle of the night. A little early morning/late night kitchen cleaning?
Got home from work and Carol was no where to be found, but there was one of her "stews" on the stove. It was made with my left over chicken, so I know she didn't eat very much, if any by how meager the portion of chicken I left in there. When I was looking in the fridge for a more appetizing dinner she came in from the back door. I asked her what she wanted to eat and she said she wasn't hungry. This is when I decided I should say something, like, "you need some protein and vegetables in your system, will you be eating some of the stew you made?" and "I'm worried about you," and "your heart and brain can't function on only 300 calories a day in just sugar." She replied that it was nice for me to worry but she wasn't doing OK. I made a huge thing of nachos and although she didn't want her own plate, she did pick off mine. Is Mexican food the key here?
A bit ago I tentatively came in to her room where she had decided she needed to go lay down earlier, and I asked if she wanted me to put away her stew for her. I could just go ahead and throw it away, but I wanted to make sure she took her medicine. She did, but missed taking her patch. I set her up and made her promise she'd eat dinner....which she did...barely.
Between Cynthia and I, we will get her to eat a whole bunch tomorrow...hopefully.


  1. What happens if you just make food and say "this is what we are having" and put out a portion for her?

  2. That is how it usually goes, but the past couple days she had meals in front of her and just picked and went to her room.
